Slipper sales were up 1,219%

16% of UK workers admit to having a bath while on a conference call. I was reading the CIPD people management magazine last week and these stats were making me chuckle. It's been a funny world this last year and we have had to change and adapt quickly to so many new things. I seem to permanently live in hoodies, leggings and trainers nowadays and have mastered how to cut my own fringe. There are definitely things I will embrace from these changes. I have learnt to appreciate many things I took for granted and also have simplified my life. Some things have also been difficult; telling my mum she needed to go into care was one of the hardest things I have ever had to do in my life and also not being able to visit her has been horrible. I was told last week I still can't visit her as they have another COVID case in the home. It just seems so unfair and ongoing.

In all honesty it has been a weird week. I have felt flat and my joyous hormones have been playing up so I have been in pain and felt exhausted. I get frustrated at myself when I can't do things I want but I have to recognise the signs and slow down. I go full speed ahead at times as I get so excited with all the ideas going on in my head, but my body doesn't always want to keep up! 

When I feel like this I like to tidy the house. It's like a healing thing that makes me feel calm and in control again. As you can imagine the house is sparkling and I'm ready to face the week ahead. I also like to dejunk my head and write down everything I think and feel as that then helps me focus again. It's like therapy on paper and makes a huge difference as I then feel less muddled.

I have some exciting things to look forward to. I am going to be launching some new products on my website in April and also start planning the next Eddy book. The first draft has been written so I just need to edit this down and start planning some of the illustration ideas and get thinking about new characters. I also have a new project Knocked Sideways to start working on and have been sent some amazing real life stories to read and edit. I feel privileged these people want to share their stories with me and feature in my new book.

And the BEST news!!! I have finished my coaching paperwork! At last!!

I think I deserve to treat myself to some flamingo slippers!

1 comment

Angela Vale

Wow…..look at you Sarah McGeough!
I’ve only known you about a year…..all of that time virtually, but I have seen you blossom into the brightest flower in the bunch……
I love The Flamingo Family and can’t wait for the next book.
Well done Sarah, you’re smashing it and it’s nothing more than you deserve.
Angie 😊🦩

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